The Coping & Resilience Survey:
Is a confidential brief measure of resilience among employees
Gives individual feedback - quantitative score, level of resilience (0 – 100 scale)
Provides tips/strategies to strengthen personal resilience
Presents summary feedback to management by department
Is brief (11 items), taking less than 2 minutes to complete
Has been tested as an accurate measure of resilience
Has internal consistency (.88) and established construct validity
Flesch-Kincaid fifth grade reading level
Five coping and resilience areas offer tips for building and strengthening resilience (low, moderate, high):
Flexibility: Mental ability for handling change/uncertainty
Self-Confidence: Belief in self and ability
Emotional Control: Ability to manage one’s mood/ emotions
Positive Outlook: Healthy attitude or confidence about the future
Sustained Attention: Ability to stay on task with a positive mindset